Dear myself,

Somehow we keep forgetting that we're older. And somehow too, we're not getting wiser. In someway our mind is still like a child's, and we're reluctant to leave such way of thinking. We, still, don't know what we really want in our life. We, still, have too many things that we don't know but our age is telling us that we should. We're children that are thrown to the cruelty of the world without enough preparation and we're scared of how huge and cold the world is.

Dear myself... sometimes I wish for the time to stop.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

to pleased them isnt the right thing to do, pleased yourself then thy wud be. sometimes in life, isnt enough just to pleased others and it's tiring coz we are giving too much pressure to ourself. I am tired as well pleasing people around me, and they never say its enough

Friday, October 06, 2006 3:44:00 PM  

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